Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Name of G-d

I was recently asked why I write the name of G-d with the dash. This is a common question I encounter from my Christian friends. The dash in "L-rd" or "G-d" is just about showing reverence for the names of the King above all Kings! It come from the Jewish tradition of not writing the name of G-d out. The tradition even goes so far as to change the actual name of G-d when you read it in the scriptures. Instead of using G-d's name, they would change it to be things like "Elohim (G-d), El (mighty one), El Shaddai (almighty G-d), Adonai (master), El Elyon (most high G-d)..." (wikipedia (dashes added)). The writing of His name like this is not a command of the Torah, but from the Talmud. It is not a command that G-d gave to His people, but a man made command. One site I looked at even points out that it was not until the time of the Talmud that the command to avoid G-d's name came about ( My praticipation in this practice is just to show a reverance to His name. Instead of just writing out the name mindlessly, putting the dash there catches my thoughts and I have to focus on why I am writing G-d's name; it helps me in not abusing Him name.

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